Schillebeeckx memorial
At March 30 there was held a Schillebeeckx-memorial in Chicago USA. Here you find the texts that Schreiter, Chia and Sison read.
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At March 30 there was held a Schillebeeckx-memorial in Chicago USA. Here you find the texts that Schreiter, Chia and Sison read.
Excerpt from the In Memoriam by Robert Schreiter
… When the Dominicans sold the Albertinum, they kept the burial ground in the garden behind the building. It was there that Edward was laid to rest. It is a short distance from the Dominicuskerk, so all present were able to form a cortege to accompany Edward to his final resting place. Prayers were said, and the “Salve Regina” was sung, a custom that many religious orders have. We all had an opportunity to throw a handful of soil into the grave, as is the custom there. I thought of so many of you when I was able to do so …
Excerpt from the In Memoriam by Erik Borgman.
… Schillebeeckx’s theology is studied intensively at various places in the world in view of renewing faith and church in relation to the contemporary world. This will undoubtedly continue after his death.
There is a Chair established at the Faculty of Theology at Radboud University in order to preserve his legacy under the title ‘Theology and Culture’. Nobody holds the Chair at the moment, but the search for a new chair holder is underway. The Edward Schillebeeckx Foundation collects, organizes, and preserves his body of work and tries to make it accessible to interested parties. But above all, many people in Dutch theology are in fact co-holder of Schillebeeckx’s legacy.
In the midst of all that is changed in the Church, in academia and in theology, the combination of openness and sensitivity to cultural and social developments, on which he based theological reflection, and the focus on the eternal mystery as a source and purpose of reality the Christian tradition calls ‘God’, as advocated by Schillebeeckx, remain at the background of their work.
Passage uit het In Memoriam door Hermann Häring.
…. [Dames en heren,] we zijn ervan overtuigd dat ook voor de katholieke kerk een nieuwe lente zal aanbreken, waarin de vruchten van zijn theologie opnieuw kunnen opbloeien.
In zijn publicaties en zijn denkwerk heeft ons Edward Schillebeeckx, die steeds vriendelijke en welwillende persoon, een gigantisch oeuvre achtergelaten. We kunnen onze dankbaarheid alleen betuigen door de sporen van zijn denken na te gaan en voort te zetten, telkens opnieuw in het licht van de telkens nieuwe vragen van elkaar opvolgende tijdperken en generaties.
Edward Schillebeeckx noemde zich een gelukkige theoloog. Met zijn denken heeft hij aan het geluk van velen binnen en buiten de kerken bijgedragen. We dragen diepe gevoelens van dankbaarheid mee voor alles waarmee hij kerk en theologie heeft verrijkt.
23 December 2009, after a short illness, theologian Edward Schillebeeckx has died in Nijmegen, where he lived. He was 95 years of age.
Read the complete press release here.
Thursday november 12 Edward Schillebeeckx turned 95. A very respectable age for a man whose health has not been very well over the last years. The Foundation sended the birthday boy a nice bouquet of roses. And she visited Edward today, bringing him a special gift. A photo impression and story will follow soon.
Source: National Catholic Reporter, December 14, 2007
Fr. Edward Schillebeeckx. At 93, renowned Dominican still at work
Holland’s towering Dominican theologian, Fr. Edward Schillebeeckx, is with us yet, though at 93 his physical presence has diminished even as his influence flourishes. I requested a meeting with him, knowing that though he was not involved in writing the startling new booklet by the four Dutch Dominicans, the radical proposals they put forward stem directly from his thought.
Author: Linda Vogelesang
Schillebeeckx sitting next to his monument, sculptured by Dutch artist Jan Tregot in honour of Schillebeeckx.
Schillebeeckx specialist Erik Borgman (left) gave his own interpretation of the monument, at a specially organised meeting at April 26 in galery Intermedi-Art in Nijmegen.